Tuesday, May 15, 2012

See why God's Ways are higher than man's

ISa 55:9  As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways (methods, techniques, manner of doing something) higher (superior, greater) than your ways, and My thoughts (concepts, ideas) than your thoughts.
  1. God is always good - man evil (Psa 73:1; Gen 6:5; Rom 3:10-18).
  2. God reigns through love - man by force (1Jo 4:7-21; 1Co 13).
  3. God loves & gives - man hates & takes (Joh 3:16; 13:34-35).
  4. God acts by faith & can create something out of nothing - man lives by what he sees & knows (Heb 11:3; Rom 4:17).
  5. God is always interested in the welfare of others - man is only interested in himself (Mat 1:21; 18:11; Luk 9:56; 19:10).
  6. God plans with eternity in mind - man for this life only (Mat 6:13; Joh 6:51).
  7. God exalts through humility - man through pride & self-exaltation (Luk 14:11).
  8. God puts others first - man puts self first (Luk 6:27-38).
  9. God overcomes with righteousness (right-doing) - man through sin, pride, wealth & power (Mat 5:6; 5:19).
  10. God redeems by dying in our place - man by money (Gal 3:13; Eph 1:7).
  11. God controls the present & the future - man constantly worries & frets about the present & the future (Heb 11:8; Mal 3:6).
  12. God always forgives & forgets - man only forgives when necessary or to his advantage (Psa 103:10-12; 86:5; ISa 38:17).
  13. God shows mercy & compassion - man is merciless & cruel (Psa 118).
  14. God is impartial, unbiased & unprejudiced - man is prejudiced & shows favoritism (Rom 2:11; Eph 6:9; Jam 2:1-6; 2:9).
  15. God knows everything - man is limited in knowledge (ISa 46:9-10; Jer 33:3; 1Jo 3:20).
  16. God's ways are perfect - man's imperfect (Deu 32:4; Psa 18:30; 19:7).
  17. God's ways are superior - man's ways are inferior (ISa 55:8-9).
  18. God's ways are extraordinary - man's ordinary (Mat 19:26; Luk 1:37; Gen 18:14; Jer 32:17).
  19. God heals miraculously - man cannot heal but in vain attempts to assist the healing process with physicians, psychiatry, medications, and surgery (Jam 5:14-15; Mar 16:17-18; Exo 15:26; Psa 103:3).

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